The XWorker Model Editor is called the Thing Manager and can be used to edit the model.
Like Java, dynamic models have the concept of packages. Just as you specify the root directory of a source file in a Java editor, you need to let the model editor know that that directory is the root directory of the model.
The method is to create a file named .dml (or in the root directory of the model. The content can be empty, or the content can be name=<projectName>, where projectName is the name of the model project.
You can start the model editor with Java code.
package dataobject.example; import org.xmeta.Thing; import org.xmeta.World; /** * Here you start the Things Manager. * */ public class SimpleThingEditor { public static void main(String[] args){ try{ //X-Meta engines are single-instance World world = World.getInstance(); //Initialization engine, parameter is the model library directory (XWorker), //If null, get the location of the model library through XMETA_HOME or XWORKER_HOME environment variables world.init(null); Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(world.getClassLoader()); //Start the Things Manager Thing worldExplorer = World.getInstance(). getThing("xworker.swt.xwidgets.prototypes.SimpleThingEditor"); worldExplorer.doAction("run"); }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }
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